May: Enjoying Wild Herbs and Blossoms

In May, spring is at its most beautiful as warmth and sunlight persuade the buds of trees and flowers to bloom. The air is filled with the intoxicating scents of spring: the fragrances of blossoming bird cherry and apple trees blend into the moist spring air. The days lengthen, and the night sky becomes brighter….

April: Opening the Spring and Embracing Mother Earth

In April, nature still looks barren, but a lot is happening beneath the rough surface: tree buds are starting to swell, the dew is losing its grip, and underground, seeds are furiously pushing the soil away to give space for their sprouts to rice. A few of the first spring flowers, such as liverworts in…

February New Moon – From Celebration to Radiance: Embracing the Journey of Purification and Shine!

I rise from my bed to sit on its edge, slipping my sleepy toes first into wool socks and then into sheepskin slippers, trying to keep the comforting warmth I had under my thick blanket. I find myself captivated by the frosty snowflakes delicately clinging to our bedroom window. In the distance, the morning sun begins its ascent from the horizon, casting a warm, golden glow upon the wooden walls of my sanctuary. It’s freezing cold: –18 celsius outside and barely +15 inside. It’s a signal for me to kindle a fire and brew a steaming cup of coffee. Or, should I skip the coffee and start caffeine fast as my purification ritual? What could be my February New Moon ritual that would align with the month’s theme?

January Full Moon Ritual: Mapping Your Soul

On today’s Full Moon, I invite you to redirect your energy inward. Embrace the journey with the tools and rituals I recommend: crafting your Soul Map and enjoying a soul-nourishing bowl of Potato Soup!

January New Moon: Stay still, look back, look forward

In Finnish language, January is called “tammikuu”, meaning the Oak Moon. In Finnish mythology the solid and majestic oak tree was the Tree of Life, on which the entire world, or the sky, rested. The starry sky above us rotated on this tree, which also opens a new cycle around the Sun.

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