I rise from my bed to sit on its edge, slipping my sleepy toes first into wool socks and then into sheepskin slippers, trying to keep the comforting warmth I had under my thick blanket. I find myself captivated by the frosty snowflakes delicately clinging to our bedroom window. In the distance, the morning sun begins its ascent from the horizon, casting a warm, golden glow upon the wooden walls of my sanctuary. It’s freezing cold: –18 celsius outside and barely +15 inside. It’s a signal for me to kindle a fire and brew a steaming cup of coffee. Or, should I skip the coffee and start caffeine fast as my purification ritual? What could be my February New Moon ritual that would align with the month’s theme?
Category: Rituals
January Full Moon Ritual: Mapping Your Soul
On today’s Full Moon, I invite you to redirect your energy inward. Embrace the journey with the tools and rituals I recommend: crafting your Soul Map and enjoying a soul-nourishing bowl of Potato Soup!
January New Moon: Stay still, look back, look forward
In Finnish language, January is called “tammikuu”, meaning the Oak Moon. In Finnish mythology the solid and majestic oak tree was the Tree of Life, on which the entire world, or the sky, rested. The starry sky above us rotated on this tree, which also opens a new cycle around the Sun.
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Would you like to learn more about rituals and live more in tune with the rhythms of nature? I share stories and insights about rituals now also in the form of a newsletter, approximately once a month. Join in!
Kuuntele Rituaalikirja äänikirjana
Rituaalikirjan äänikirja on ilmestynyt, ja se on kuunneltavissa mm. Storytelissa, BookBeatissa ja Elisa Kirjassa – lukijana Reetta itse! Äänikirjat ovat olleet yksi viime päivien pelastajistani kun olin influenssan kourissa enkä jaksanut edes katsoa videoita. Toivottavasti Rituaalikirjan äänikirjaversio löytää kuulijansa ja jos kuuntelet, niin mielelläni kuulen palautetta myös – oli eka kerta kun luen äänikirjaa. Eikä…
Tapaa kirjailija | Meet the author
Katso tulevat tapahtumat
Rituaalikirja ilmestyi suomeksi – Timeless Nordic Rituals coming soon in English
Timeless Nordic Rituals – Bringing purpose and joy to modern Life New book by Reetta came just out from the printer! First only in Finnish, but the English version is on the way and we are looking out for publishing partners in other languages.